View extensive map coverage, including
the ecological network; the soil, relief, water and natural and semi-natural vegetation datasets; the land use suitability maps and much more.
WMS services freely available to the public to
be displayed as georeferenced map images at:
EPIC WebGIS is an interactive spatial data infrastructure, which provides georeferenced cartography at a national scale, using data visualization tools. It can be seen as a landscape planning instrument, offering immediate access to several available themes concerning ecosystems, ecological network and ecological land suitability.
The available data constitutes the outcome of the work carried by a large team with different scientific backgrounds under two projects: project PTDC/AUR-URB/102578/2008 "National Ecological Network - a proposal of delimitation and regulation" and project PTDC/AUR-URB/119340/2010 "Potential Land-Use Ecological Plan. Application to Portugal", both financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
The information on this platform covers landscape sub-systems such as: geology/lithology, soil, water, vegetation, climate and land morphology, considered essential to ecosystem and natural resources management. It also integrates several themes regarding a Potential Land Use Plan for Portugal, taking into account the ecological land suitability for the establishment of different activities, such as: nature conservation, agriculture and horticulture, forestry, leisure and recreational facilities, and urban areas.
Thus, EPIC WebGIS gives a significant contribution to spatial planning in the identification and quantification of strategic topics in mapping development policies and strategies, under a sustainable development perspective.
This webgis is made available to all users, upon a simple identification and it can be updated whenever improved cartography is available.
EPIC aims to contribute to the public dissemination of research findings and
support landscape planning in Portugal.
This is our language: landscape planning, sustainable development, land use, ecological balance,
ecosystem mapping...
(+351) 213 653 314
EPIC WebGIS Portugal makes the produced files available free of charge with the aim of facilitating access to quality spatial data sets. We think this is an important contribution to sustainable landscape planning and management, in its technical, scientific and academic components.
Therefore, we rely on your donations in the amount that suits you best, to help maintain and enhance this platform.
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Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Name: ADISA Associação Desenvolvimento Instituto Superior de Agronomia
NIB: 0035 0710 00004185030 57
IBAN: PT50 0035 0710 00004185030 57
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